To all our Valleyfield Students and Families;
It's hard to believe but it's that time of the year again - the beginning of a new school year. Welcome to Valleyfield to all our new students and families and of course Welcome Back to our returning students and families! Although I truly hate to see the summer end each year, I am always excited to see our students and staff return for another year of learning and fun! There's a lot of excitement ahead for Our Valleyfield children, including new teachers to meet, new books to read, new friends to play with and new skills to master ... and I look forward to parents sharing in those exciting times.
I ask parents to remember that, you are just as important to your children's education as we are. Your children receive the best education when you and our dedicated teachers work as a team. It's a parent's enthusiasm, support and involvement that inspires children to do their best: and a teacher's ability to teach what they need to learn. Together we can achieve wonderful things with and for our children.
Once again this year, we have set our class numbers in adherence with the Ministry of Education primary cap size requirements. However, each year students move over the summer months and new ones register. We never know our actual number of students and classes until we all settle back in during the first week of school. The class sizes will be monitored daily by TDSB in the first week of school and if any reorganization of teachers and classes is needed, a letter will be sent home to you on Thursday, September 16.
As a parent myself, I know how fast time goes by. One year your child's in 1st grade and seemingly in the blink of an eye they're in middle school, or in their senior year of high school for that matter. I encourage you to fully embrace the moment and urge you to take the time from your busy schedule to become familiar with our school and staff and attend Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 30th. The evening will give you an opportunity to meet your child's teacher and get an understanding of the learning expectations that will be addressed this school year.
Thank you for your commitment to your child's education and I look forward to seeing you in the future.
V. Black
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